- 威廉希尔中文
- 董事会成员
满足 威廉希尔中文 董事会成员
杰夫Baldus -董事会主席
杰夫是奥斯汀人, his career includes 33 years of restaurant management and was the successful owner/operator of Austin Culver’s Restaurant until he sold in June of 2009.
After selling the restaurant he went to work for the Austin Area Chamber of Commerce, 支持大使活动, 会员资格和7月4日的自由节.
Baldus was selected as the 奥斯汀地区基金会’s first executive director in May of 2014.
He has been previously active on many local boards and in volunteer positions including past Austin Chamber of Commerce president, 自由节总监, KSMQ董事会成员, 割草机县卫生服务顾问委员会成员, 奥斯汀公约 & 旅游局理事, 奥斯汀艺术指导委员会成员, “把小镇涂成粉红色”指导委员会成员, board member of the United Way and board member on The Hormel Foundation.
Jeff lives in Austin with his wife Kris, and has two adult children.
艾米·希恩 -董事会主席
A native of Chicago, Amy is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Stout. 她在佛罗里达州奥兰多开始了自己的公关生涯. 几年后, 她回到了芝加哥的老家, where she accepted a new challenge: a position in the human resources field as a recruiter. 她为恩斯特工作 & Young LLP and the American Dental Association before joining the Hormel Foods team in Austin, MN. 从那时起, 她曾担任公司招聘人员, supervisor of recruiting and corporate manager of talent acquisition to her current role, 人才引进总监.
Amy is passionate about developing talent and working with youth/high school programs in her community to help future generations realize their potential.
Allison甘德森 -董事会成员
艾利森在教育领域工作了16年. 在此期间,她一直担任三年级教师, 幼儿园老师, 五年级教师, 技术人, 行为的教练, COVID 协调员现在是美国学校的副校长. This is her first year as part of the 威廉希尔中文 Board as a school representative.
吉尔哈特 -董事会成员
Jill is the rehabilitation services manager at 梅奥诊所健康系统的Albert Lea和Austin. 她在医疗行业工作了33年. 她目前的职责包括监督员工, 推广及持续发展康复服务, 财政计划, 与其他部门的合作和团队建设. 她毕业于圣华盛顿大学. 路易斯,拥有物理治疗硕士和学士学位.
Jill is currently involved in many community activities and volunteering in Austin. She is on the board for Hormel Historic 威廉希尔中文, Autism Friendly Austin, and Riverland Massage Program. 在过去, she has been a volunteer at 奥斯汀公立学校 and previously involved with the high school mentorship program.
Jill and her husband, Garry, live in Austin and have 3 grown children.
Lyndsey约翰逊 -董事会成员
Lyndsey has worked in Finance for 20 years and is currently the CFO at Accentra信用合作社. She has a Bachelor in Accounting and recently graduated from CUNA Management School as a Certified Credit Union Executive.
Lyndsey also serves as the Treasurer of the 割草机县 Senior Center and the Vice President of the Music Boosters of Austin.
安德里亚的目的 -董事会成员
安德里亚在奥斯汀公立学校工作了20多年. 在此期间,她一直担任社会研究教师, 副校长, 奥斯汀高中校长, and now in the Office of Teaching and Learning coordinating gifted and talented programs, 老师指导, 5-12年级课程. She has been a part of the 威廉希尔中文 Board as a school representative since the start of the program in 2018.
乔伊页面 -董事会成员
在奥斯汀出生和长大的他. Page began as 负责人 of 奥斯汀公立学校 on July 1, 2021. Prior to the Austin superintendency, he was the superintendent of Byron Public Schools. Before Byron, he worked in the Richfield Public Schools at The Richfield S.T.E.M. School and was named the 明尼苏达州 Science and Mathematics Elementary and Middle-Level Principal of the Year.
Dr. Page also served as the President of the 明尼苏达州 Elementary School Principals’ Association (MESPA) from 2013-2015. MESPA is the professional association of 明尼苏达州’s elementary and middle-level principals, with over 950 principal members that serve thousands of 明尼苏达州 students.
Dr. Page received his bachelor’s degree in Special Education and Elementary Education from Dakota State University, 麦迪逊, 南达科塔州. He began his teaching career in the Bloomington Public Schools as a fourth-grade teacher, 接着是一位多年龄段的老师和媒体总监. Dr. Page continued his education while teaching in the Bloomington Public Schools, earning a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Mankato State University and endorsements in library media science and school administration.
2003年,博士. 佩奇搬到了黄药东学区, 他在格拉尼特福尔斯和克拉克菲尔德担任校长, 明尼苏达州. He was a principal in the Richfield Public Schools for thirteen years and earned a Doctorate of Education from St. 玛丽大学-双城分校. 在2021年春天,Dr. Page completed the AASA National 负责人 Certification Program with Distinction.
戴尔·威克斯 -董事会成员
戴尔·威克斯, Human Resources 导演 has been with 优质猪肉加工商公司. 自1989年开始运营以来. 从生产线开始,到管理层. His primary role in Human Resources is Labor Relations along with Payroll, 招聘, 培训, 和安全. 他曾在多个社区委员会任职,包括, 奥克兰浸信会执事会, 奥斯汀商会董事会, 以及奥斯丁扶轮社董事会. 奥斯汀地区的终身居民, he continues to operate the small family farm with crops and cattle in rural Austin. He and his wife, both 奥斯汀高中 Graduates, have 5 grown children and has 18 Grandchildren.
史蒂夫·巴雷特 -财政发起人代表
奥斯汀是我的家乡, 尽管我成年后的大部分时间都住在俄克拉荷马州, 德州, 俄亥俄州, 和印第安纳州. 我喜欢在这里长大,并选择在2019年回家.
I'm fortunate to serve currently as the Executive 导演 of the 奥斯汀地区基金会, 他是威廉希尔中文计划的财政赞助者.
Much of my professional career allowed me to establish my own businesses. 研究生毕业后, I spent 4 years as a stock broker before transitioning into the executive search profession, 专门从事律师招聘. 几年后, I had the opportunity to start a new business directing charity golf tournaments. While in the golf industry, I helped clients raise nearly $3 million for their organizations. In addition, I have served on the boards of multiple nonprofits and professional organizations.